
产品索引  > 传感器,变送器 > 光学传感器 - 反射式 - 模拟输出

厂商 包装系列感应距离感应方法电压-集射极击穿(最大值)电流-集电极(Ic)(最大值)电流-DC正向(If)输出类型响应时间安装类型封装/外壳
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HOA0149-001 HOA0149-001 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSR OPTO TRANS 5.08MM REFL PCB
HOA1405-002 HOA1405-002 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PHOTOTRANS REFL OPTICAL
HOA2498-002 HOA2498-002 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR OPTO TRANS6.35MM REFL PCB
HOA1404-003 HOA1404-003 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSR OPTO TRANS 5.08MM REFL PCB
HOA1180-002 HOA1180-002 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PHOTOTRANS REFL OPTICAL
HOA1180-003 HOA1180-003 Honeywell Sensing and Control SNSR OPTO TRANS 6.35MM REFL C-MT
HLC1395-001 HLC1395-001 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSR OPTO TRANS 1.02MM REFL PCB
HOA1397-002 HOA1397-002 Honeywell Sensing and Control DENSR OPTO TRANS 1.27MM REFL PCB
HOA1404-002 HOA1404-002 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PHOTOTRANS REFL OPTICAL
HLC1395-002 HLC1395-002 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSR OPTO TRANS 1.02MM REFL PCB
HOA0708-011 HOA0708-011 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR OPTO TRANS 3.81MM REFL
HOA0708-001 HOA0708-001 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR OPTO TRANS 3.81MM REFL
HOA1405-001 HOA1405-001 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PHOTOTRANS REFL OPTICAL
HOA1180-001 HOA1180-001 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PHOTOTRANS REFL OPTICAL
HOA1406-001 HOA1406-001 Honeywell Sensing and Control SNSR OPTO TRANS 3.05MM REFL L-MT
HOA0709-011 HOA0709-011 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR OPTO DARL 3.81MM REFL
HOA0709-001 HOA0709-001 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR OPTO DARL 3.81MM REFL
HOA2498-003 HOA2498-003 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR OPTO DARL 6.35MM REFL PCB
HOA1406-003 HOA1406-003 Honeywell Sensing and Control SNSR OPTO TRANS 3.05MM REFL L-MT
HOA0149-501 HOA0149-501 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSR OPTO TRANS 3.80MM REFL PCB