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PDF 缩略图 器件名称 制造商 描述
1SX48-T 1SX48-T Honeywell Sensing and Control SW SNAP SPDT 7A SOLDER TERM 250V
1SX12-T 1SX12-T Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH PLUNGER SPDT 4A SLD 250V
4SX19-T 4SX19-T Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH PLUNGER SPDT 7A SLD 250V
22AC1-D8 22AC1-D8 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH DOOR ROD SPDT 15A QC 125V
11SM3-S 11SM3-S Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH PLNGR SPDT 5A SCREW 250V
2AC6 2AC6 Honeywell Sensing and Control SW ROD ACT SPDT 15A SCRW 125V
8AC1 8AC1 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH DOOR SPDTX4 5A SLD 250V
6HM1-1 6HM1-1 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH SPDT 4A AT 28 VDC
V15T22-CC300 V15T22-CC300 Honeywell Sensing and Control BASIC SWITCH V BASICS V15
V15H22-CZ100A05-K V15H22-CZ100A05-K Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH ROLLER LEVR SPDT 22A 250V
V15T16-EZ100A05 V15T16-EZ100A05 Honeywell Sensing and Control BASIC SWITCH V BASICS V15
412SX21-T 412SX21-T Honeywell Sensing and Control SW LIMIT SPDT 1A PIN PLNGR 125V
V15H16-CZ300-K V15H16-CZ300-K Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH PIN PLUNGER SPDT 250V 16A
V15H16-CZ100A05-K V15H16-CZ100A05-K Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH ROLLER LEVR SPDT 16A 250V
V15W11-EZ200-W3 V15W11-EZ200-W3 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH SNAP SPDT 10A 125V
V15W11WZ200A02-AW1 V15W11WZ200A02-AW1 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH SNAP SPDT 0.1A 125V
V15W11WZ200A06-AW1 V15W11WZ200A06-AW1 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH SNAP SPDT 0.1A 125V
GLLA01B GLLA01B Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH TOP PLUNGER SPDT 300V
914CE2-3 914CE2-3 Honeywell Sensing and Control SW ROLL PLUNGR SNAP SPDT 3\' 240V
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