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厂商 包装系列感应距离感应方法感应物体输出配置感测光安装类型电流-电源电压-电源封装/外壳
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IS31SE5000-UTLS2-TR IS31SE5000-UTLS2-TR ISSI, Integrated Silicon Solution Inc IR SENSOR UTQFN-12
IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR ISSI, Integrated Silicon Solution Inc IR SENSOR INT PHOTODIODE QFN-8
IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR ISSI, Integrated Silicon Solution Inc IR SENSOR INT PHOTODIODE QFN-8
IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR ISSI, Integrated Silicon Solution Inc IR SENSOR INT PHOTODIODE QFN-8
EE-SY672 EE-SY672 Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 1MM-5MM SOLDER
EE-SPY411 EE-SPY411 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 2MM-5MM SOLDER
EE-SPY412 EE-SPY412 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 2MM-5MM SOLDER
EE-SY671 EE-SY671 Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 1MM-5MM SOLDER
EE-SPZ401-A EE-SPZ401-A Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 200MM THRU PCB
EE-SPY311 EE-SPY311 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 2MM-5MM SOLDER
EE-SPY402 EE-SPY402 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 5MM THRU PCB
EE-SPY312 EE-SPY312 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 2MM-5MM SOLDER
EE-SPY302 EE-SPY302 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 5MM THRU PCB
EE-SPZ301-A EE-SPZ301-A Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 200MM THRU PCB
EE-SPY401 EE-SPY401 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 5MM THRU PCB
EE-SPY301 EE-SPY301 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 5MM THRU PCB
EE-SPZ301Y-01 EE-SPZ301Y-01 Omron Automation and Safety SENSR OPTO REFL 1MM-3MM THRU PCB
EE-SPY801 EE-SPY801 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 0MM-3MM PREWIRE
EE-SPY802 EE-SPY802 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 0MM-3MM PREWIRE