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PDF 缩略图 器件名称 制造商 描述
XPX100GFS XPX100GFS Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR VACUUM GAUGE 100PSI
XPX150D XPX150D Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR DIFF VACUUM GAUGE 150PSI
SCC05DD4 SCC05DD4 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 5PSI
SCC05DN SCC05DN Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 5PSI
SCC15D SCC15D Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 15PSI
SCC15DD4 SCC15DD4 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 15PSI
SCC15GD2 SCC15GD2 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS GAUGE 15PSI
SCC30D SCC30D Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 30PSI
ASDXL05D44D ASDXL05D44D Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESSURE DIFF 5\" H2O 8DIP
ASDXL05D44D-DO ASDXL05D44D-DO Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESSURE DIFF 5\" H2O 8DIP
ASDXL10G24R ASDXL10G24R Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS GAUGE 10\" H2O 8DIP
ASDXL10G24R-DO ASDXL10G24R-DO Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS GAUGE 10\" H2O 8DIP
ASDXL10D44R ASDXL10D44R Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 10\" H2O 8DIP
ASDXL10D44R-DO ASDXL10D44R-DO Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 10\" H2O 8DIP
ASDXL10D44D ASDXL10D44D Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 10\" H2O 8DIP
ASDXL10D44D-DO ASDXL10D44D-DO Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR PRESS DIFF 10\" H2O 8DIP
MLH100PAB06A MLH100PAB06A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR AMP 100PSI .5-4.5VDC OUT
MLH100PAB06G MLH100PAB06G Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR AMP 100PSI 1-5VDC OUT
MLH100PAG01A MLH100PAG01A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR AMP 100PSI .5-4.5VDC OUT
MLH100PAG01B MLH100PAG01B Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR AMP 100PSI 4-20MA OUT
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