
产品索引  > 传感器,变送器 > 浮子,液位传感器

厂商 系列类型输出类型输出配置电流最小液体比重开关致动液位安装类型材料-壳体和棱柱工作温度额定电压
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PDF 缩略图 器件名称 制造商 描述
POS187313 POS187313 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS187414 POS187414 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS187314 POS187314 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS187411 POS187411 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS187311 POS187311 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS187412 POS187412 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS187312 POS187312 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287413 POS287413 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287313 POS287313 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287414 POS287414 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287314 POS287314 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287411 POS287411 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287311 POS287311 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287412 POS287412 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
POS287312 POS287312 Honeywell Sensing and Control POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR
59630-1-T-02-A 59630-1-T-02-A Littelfuse Inc REED SENSORS
59630-1-T-05-A 59630-1-T-05-A Littelfuse Inc REED SENSORS
59630-1-T-03-A 59630-1-T-03-A Littelfuse Inc REED SENSORS
59630-1-T-01-A 59630-1-T-01-A Littelfuse Inc REED SENSORS
59630-4-T-01-A 59630-4-T-01-A Littelfuse Inc REED SENSORS
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