
产品索引  > 传感器,变送器 > 温度调节器

厂商 系列电路开关温度封装/外壳安装类型
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PDF 缩略图 器件名称 制造商 描述
2452R03270980 2452R03270980 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R01420007 2455R01420007 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450CM 82090117 2450CM 82090117 Honeywell Sensing and Control MANUAL RESET THERMOSTAT
245002850028 245002850028 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450R87680001 2450R87680001 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450R87680002 2450R87680002 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450R87680003 2450R87680003 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2452HR-99190170 2452HR-99190170 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R01060020 2455R01060020 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R2606580001 2455R2606580001 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R3506780003 2455R3506780003 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R70030726 2455R70030726 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R70430821 2455R70430821 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450CM-79130484 2450CM-79130484 Honeywell Sensing and Control MANUAL RESET THERMOSTAT
2450R86210201 2450R86210201 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R81740202 2455R81740202 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450RCH35712001 2450RCH35712001 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450R00980174 2450R00980174 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2455R04730005 2455R04730005 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
2450R87180008 2450R87180008 Honeywell Sensing and Control AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT
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