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PDF 缩略图 器件名称 制造商 描述
SS495A-SP SS495A-SP Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR MINI LINEAR HALL-EFFECT
SS41 SS41 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT BIPOLAR
SS441A SS441A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR
SS443A SS443A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR
SS49E SS49E Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT LINEAR
SS495A SS495A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT RATIOMETRC
2SS52M 2SS52M Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR MAGNETORESISTIVE SS DIG
SS495A-S SS495A-S Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT RATIOMETRC
SS496A1 SS496A1 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT RATIOMETRC
91SS12-2 91SS12-2 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT LINEAR PCB
SS94A2 SS94A2 Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT RATIOMETRC
SS360ST SS360ST Honeywell Sensing and Control HALL EFFECT SENSOR
SS360ST SS360ST Honeywell Sensing and Control HALL EFFECT SENSOR
SS360NT SS360NT Honeywell Sensing and Control HALL EFFECT SENSOR
SS360NT SS360NT Honeywell Sensing and Control HALL EFFECT SENSOR
SM351LT SM351LT Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR MAG RES 7 GAUSS
SM351LT SM351LT Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR MAG RES 7 GAUSS
SM351LT SM351LT Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR MAG RES 7 GAUSS
SS341RT SS341RT Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR SMD
SS341RT SS341RT Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR SMD
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