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PDF 缩略图 器件名称 制造商 描述
SS411P SS411P Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT BIPOLAR TO92
SS460P SS460P Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT BIPOL RADIAL
SS449R SS449R Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR TO92
SS441R SS441R Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR TO92
SS495B SS495B Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR SS HALL EFFECT RATIOMETRC
SS449A SS449A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR SMD
4AV19F 4AV19F Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR MAGN HALL EFFECT VANE
SS343RT SS343RT Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR SMD
517SS16 517SS16 Honeywell Sensing and Control MAGNETIC SENSORS BIPOLAR ICS
SS413A SS413A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT B/P DGTL POS
SS30AT SS30AT Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT BIPOLAR SMD
SS40A SS40A Honeywell Sensing and Control SENSOR HALL EFFECT BIPOL RADIAL
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