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厂商 包装系列FET类型电压-击穿(V(BR)GSS)漏源极电压(Vdss)不同Vds(Vgs=0)时的电流-漏极(Idss)漏极电流(Id)-最大值不同Id时的电压-截止(VGS关)不同Vds时的输入电容(Ciss)电阻-RDS(开)安装类型封装/外壳供应商器件封装功率-最大值
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PDF 缩略图 器件名称 制造商 描述
2SK879-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK879-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 0.1W USM
2SK880-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK880-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 50V 0.1W USM
2SK880-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK880-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 50V 0.1W USM
2SK880-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK880-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 50V 0.1W USM
2SK208-GR(TE85L,F) 2SK208-GR(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET N-CH S-MINI FET
2SK208-GR(TE85L,F) 2SK208-GR(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET N-CH S-MINI FET
2SK208-GR(TE85L,F) 2SK208-GR(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET N-CH S-MINI FET
2SK208-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK208-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET N-CH 50V S-MINI
2SK208-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK208-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET N-CH 50V S-MINI
2SK208-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK208-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET N-CH 50V S-MINI
2SK879-GR(TE85L,F) 2SK879-GR(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 0.1W USM
2SK879-GR(TE85L,F) 2SK879-GR(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 0.1W USM
2SK879-GR(TE85L,F) 2SK879-GR(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 0.1W USM
2SK880-BL(TE85L,F) 2SK880-BL(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 50V 0.1W USM
2SK880-BL(TE85L,F) 2SK880-BL(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 50V 0.1W USM
2SK880-BL(TE85L,F) 2SK880-BL(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage JFET N-CH 50V 0.1W USM
2SK2145-GR(TE85L,F 2SK2145-GR(TE85L,F Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET 2N-CH JFET 50V SMV
2SK2145-GR(TE85L,F 2SK2145-GR(TE85L,F Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET 2N-CH JFET 50V SMV
2SK2145-GR(TE85L,F 2SK2145-GR(TE85L,F Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET 2N-CH JFET 50V SMV
2SK2145-Y(TE85L,F) 2SK2145-Y(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage MOSFET 2N-CH JFET 50V SMV
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